When Karen Thornton graduated from college with a degree in English, she embarked on an exciting career in magazines like Home Fashions and Vogue. Family life called for a change of pace, and she found that working in the school system tied in well with parenting. As a former PR specialist at Putnam| Northern Westchester BOCES in Yorktown Heights, NY, Karen has served in a public relations role in several school districts, publicizing their events and activities. Currently, her work as PR coordinator involves writing about the students, staff, and programs offered by PNW BOCES. She writes newsletters and newspaper articles, helps create videos, and does social media posts.
How did you come to work in the education field?
“My background was in magazine journalism, but after having my children and volunteering in their classrooms, I decided I wanted to become a teacher. I was in a master’s program for Elementary Education, subbing in my local school district, when I discovered OLAS, the Online Application System for Educators. I was looking for a permanent sub job, but instead I saw that the School Communications department was looking for a communications specialist —something I was already qualified for. I took the job thinking I would stay only a little while, but I loved it so much that I decided not to change careers to become a teacher.”
What do you like about your work?
“I love this job because it is all positive. We are shining light onto the many wonderful things that are happening on our PNW BOCES campus. It is an honor to be able to promote the wonderful programs BOCES has to offer. It’s also a lot of fun!
The field of education is such a hopeful one because the future generations are learning in the best environments. When I started volunteering in my kids’ classes when they were young I realized how wonderfully happy and positive the academic environment is. I wanted a job where I could work in that environment.”
What recommendations do you have for someone considering a career in school communications?
“This is a great career for someone who loves to write and also likes meeting people. It truly does feel like you aren’t working when you’re doing something you love. “